
Elevate your existing toolset with Saporo.

Prioritize and enrich the data, incidents and alerts with Saporo.

 Saporo can enrich your data, incidents or alerts with a clear understanding of impact. Focus on what matters first.

Detection and response

Correlate detections' criticality with impact to know what is urgent.

Saporo will help you prioritize your alerts and detections by enriching them with their practical impact in your environment. Out of your numerous alerts, which one comes from an object with direct or indirect access to your critical assets?

There are simply too many alerts and detections to investigate them all. Saporo gives you a clear logical way to prioritize what you should focus on based on the impact it could have for your organization.
Vulnerability management

Understand which vulnerability can lead to your critical assets.

Saporo will help you prioritize your vulnerabilities based on impact. Out of the thousands of vulnerabilities you have in your backlog, which on matters most to you?

Understand your environment like an attacker and find all the attack paths from your known vulnerabilities to your critical assets. If a vulnerability has multiple attack paths to critical assets, you should focus on that first.

"Saporo is an indispensable defense tool for all organizations that want to be one step ahead in controlling risks within their increasingly complex infrastructures."

Christophe Bouillard
CISO at Bank Mirabaud & Cie

"Saporo addresses strategic priorities in a super-fast, simple and cost effective way. Saporo anticipates weaknesses and minimize the business impact of attacks."

Ludovic Chouet
CISO at Centre Hospitalier Dôle

"Saporo is an indispensable solution to prevent and fight against cyberattacks. Saporo gives us visibility into attack paths and issues like no other tools."

Jean-Baptiste Gard
CISO at ST-Quentin Hospital
"Saporo provides immediate and actionable information to focus on what matters most in a chaotic environment."
Christopher Morales
CISO at Netenrich
Winner of the 2024 Jury's Favorite Award
Winner of the 2022 Best Cyber Security Start-Up Award