About Saporo


Saporo is a Swiss company based in Lausanne. We created an internal attack surface management solution that helps organizations better anticipate and resist cyberattacks.

 Our technology reduces the internal attack surface of organizations by prioritizing and mitigating risks associated with identity and permissions.

Bringing the power of graph to defenders.

Saporo wants to bring the power of graph to defenders. Red teamers have been using graphs for a long time to find and exploit attack paths to critical assets. Defenders can never hope to get ahead of attackers if attackers have a better understanding of the battlefield (i.e., organizations' own network). By leveraging the same techniques used by threat actors to visualize the most critical paths to critical resources, defenders can start to see their environment as attackers do. Once visibility is achieved, it becomes much easier to anticipate attack paths and implement the appropriate countermeasures and controls.
Defenders think in lists. Attackers think in graphs. As long as this is true, attackers win.
John Lambert
Engineer and General Manager, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center
Scope of efforts
Defend every device and component on the network.
One vulnerability, one open port, one phishing click.
Available time and effort
Scarce: understaffed and overworked.
Dedicated: focused and funded. Time is on their side.
Think in graph
Traditionally no, but it is changing.
and savvy defenders
View of the graph
Complete: create a digital twin of the environment.
Piecemeal: discover graph based on point of entry
Our values

What we stand for.

We respect one another and our customers to build lifelong relationships.
We take responsibility for our actions and mistakes and deliver on our promises.
We balanced efforts and returns to offer the best outcomes possible.

Olivier Eyries

Co-founder & CEO

Guillaume Eyries

Co-Founder & CPO

Eric Blavier, Ph.D.

Co-Founder & CTO
Advisory board members

Philippe Eyries

"Saporo is a disruptive and innovative solution with continuous and in-depth analysis of all attack paths allowing defenders to win the race against attackers."

Christophe Bouillard

"Saporo is an indispensable defense tool for all organizations that want to be one step ahead in controlling risks within their increasingly complex infrastructures."

Christopher Morales

"Saporo provides immediate and actionable information using an attacker mindset to focus on what matters most in a chaotic environment."
Board members

Olivier Eyries

Co-founder & CEO

Guillaume Eyries

Co-Founder & CPO

Martin Altforer

Founder, session.vc

Nicolas Rose

Managing Partner, Xange

Christopher Muffat

Winner of the 2024 Jury's Favorite Award
Winner of the 2022 Best Cyber Security Start-Up Award